About Us


Sharing the spirit of the Australian car industry

Straight off the assembly line, Chasing History is a celebration of the Australian car industry and the people who were a part of it.

First and foremost, we’ll be meeting and interviewing the Makers. These are the people who designed, engineered and built our cars and their components.

We’ll chat to the Owners of Australian-built cars and revel in the journeys they have been on together.

We also have a Dashboard section, which is where you will find a range of stories that don’t have a driveway of their own.

There are a couple of pages to check out first. We’ve abbreviated the turbulent story of the car industry. You can also find a manifesto imploring Australians to keep its spirit alive.

After all, our car industry always deserved a seriously good send-off for all that it gave to the land down under.


We give our heartfelt thanks to everyone who was involved in making our motor cars.

Chasing History is for you.



Saved from the wrecking yard

Chasing History started as a novel,
but there was a better way to tell this story.