Spirit of the Australian Car Industry

We’ve started a brand-new Facebook group to support the people who worked in the Australian car industry.

A Holden test trip. Image courtesy of Mario Turcarelli

A Holden test trip. Image courtesy of Mario Turcarelli

The Spirit of the Car Industry group forms part of the ongoing conversation around the winddown of the Australian car industry. Whether you made a living building local motor cars, have an Australia-built car in the driveway or share a more general interest in the industry, you are very welcome to join!

We encourage the trading of stories, photos, articles and opinions about what it meant to you and what it meant to the land down under.

You can spin yarns and publish photos from your involvement in the industry, ask a question of the people who made our cars, link an article relating to the past or present of Australian car manufacturing or share anything else about the car industry and its significance to Australia. You can also share a photo of your Australian car and leave a message for the people who designed it and put it together.

When you join the group, you will receive your unique Chasing History build plate as a welcome. Everybody gets one as a thank you for your involvement in this mission.

You can bet that we’ll be hunting around for stories in the group too. It’s tricky to find the best stories behind a laptop in Melbourne’s inner-west, so the more you share in the group, the more content we’ll be able to circulate to the broader car industry community.

A quick disclaimer that while we are most welcoming of different opinions, the only thing we ask if that you are respectful to the other people in the group. It’s a simple request, but if you choose to make unfair or inappropriate remarks, you won’t continue to be a part of the group.

We invite everyone to join Spirit of the Australian Car Industry group here!


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